About me

Hey there and welcome to my little piece of the internet! I'm Niklas and I am currently responsible for building state-of-the-art data products with a team of Data Scientists and Engineers as a Data Product Manager at RTL, which is part of the biggest media conglomerate in Europe.

I'm originally from the beautiful state of Indiana, USA, but have been living in Cologne, Germany since 2006.

I started this blog for 3 reasons:

  1. I am a big believer in openly and altruistically sharing knowledge.
  2. Writing allows me to better reflect on my thoughts and gain self-knowledge.
  3. In conjunction with 2), I learn most effectively when I write about something.

I give occasional guest lectures on product management and information retrieval and previously appeared on the podcast Techtiefen to talk about my first passion, SEO.

In my spare time I love reading, playing video & board games and watching Star Wars for the 112th time. I'm also a huge history buff and a sensation seeker with a special soft spot for roller coasters. But most of all I love spending time with my wonderful wife and my two children, who make every breath worthwhile.

I'm an extremely curious person and am always thrilled to meet new people and listen to their story. You can reach me via Linkedin.